Monday, May 01, 2006
The Bogus Context and Semantics...
I can't believe people are still trying to frame the current debate regarding illegal "immigrants" in phony rants regarding what great things real -- legal -- immigrants have done for America. Few people dispute the positive impact of those who have come to America to better their circumstance while also contributing to their new adopted home. The current issue at hand is quite altogether different -- DUH! -- people who have illegally come to America to use it for their temporary gain while espousing the greatness and virtues of the land they left. As an aside, they leech off of the country's resources and tax funded social programs. There's also more than a good chance that a few of the millions who have weaseled their way into the country are actually Muslim terrorists who plan considerable destruction and mass-murder. Of course we can't "know" that precisely because such "immigrants" are "undocumented" and in the U.S. illegally.
Not to be too melodramatic, but there is currently a possibility that a small nuclear weapon has already been actually smuggled into the U.S. across the Mexican boarder merely waiting to be detonated (this is not such a far-fetched idea as it may sound). Millions of people would be killed in such a scenario and the economy of the entire world will be put into a tail spin (though leftists the world over would be dancing over their old "chickens coming home to roost" theory). Meanwhile, the phony clowns of socialism inc. talk about "the contributions of immigrants" as if it has anything to do with the problem of a literal invasion across the U.S. border.
Reinforce the border and make it impossible for these continuing waves of invaders to work in the U.S. (unless they follow the accepted channels that legal migrants have followed).
Some folks have suggested a witty solution. Make, publicize, and enforce America's immigration laws -- and make them exact duplicates of Mexico's. What are they going to do, protest and talk about "the contributions immigrants have made to America?"